Deniero B.

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5 Productivity Apps to Help You Get Organized

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Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do? Are you constantly struggling to stay on top of your to-do list? If so, you're not alone. Many people find it difficult to stay organized and productive in today's fast-paced world. Fortunately, there are a number of productivity apps available that can help you get your work under control. In this post, we'll take a look at five of the best productivity apps for organization.

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Todoist is a task management app that allows you to create to-do lists and organize tasks by project or due date. It also features a calendar view and the ability to set reminders. Its interface is simple, easy to use, and has a clean design that makes it easy to stay on top of your tasks.

Break down large tasks into smaller sub-tasks

When you have a big project to work on, it can be overwhelming to think about all the steps you need to take to complete it. By breaking the task down into smaller sub-tasks, you can focus on one thing at a time and make steady progress towards completing the larger task.

Use labels and filters

Todoist allows you to label and filter tasks according to different criteria, such as project, priority, and due date. Use labels to group tasks by project and filters to quickly find tasks that are due soon or are high priority.

Set reminders

Todoist allows you to set reminders for tasks so you don't forget to complete them. You can set reminders for specific times of day or for when you arrive or leave a specific location.

Use the calendar view

Todoist has a calendar view that allows you to see all your tasks for a specific day or week. This view can help you plan your time more effectively and make sure you're not overloading yourself with too many tasks on a single day.

Collaborate with others

Todoist allows you to collaborate with others on tasks and projects. You can assign tasks to specific people and leave comments on tasks to keep everyone on the same page.

Use the "today" filter

The "today" filter shows you all the tasks that are due for today, this will help you keep track of your daily tasks and make sure you don't miss any deadlines.

Use the "next 7 days" filter:

The "next 7 days" filter shows you all the tasks that are due in the next 7 days. This will help you plan your week in advance and make sure you're not overloaded with tasks in a single day. 


Trello is a project management tool that uses a "kanban" style of organization, allowing you to visualize the progress of tasks and projects. It also allows you to collaborate with team members and assign tasks to specific team members. Trello's visual interface makes it easy to understand what needs to be done and who is responsible for it.

Create a Kanban board for each project

Trello's "Kanban" style of organization is great for visualizing the progress of tasks and projects. Create a separate board for each project you're working on and add tasks as "cards" that you can move between columns as they're completed.

Use labels to categorize tasks

Trello allows you to add labels to cards, which can be used to categorize tasks by type or priority. Use different colored labels to quickly identify tasks that need your attention.

Use the calendar view

Trello has a calendar view that allows you to see all your tasks due for a specific day or week. This can help you plan your time more effectively and make sure you're not overloading yourself with too many tasks on a single day.

Use checklists for sub-tasks

When you have a big task, you can create a checklist of subtasks within the card, this way you can break down the task into smaller steps and track your progress.

Use the "Due Date" feature

Trello allows you to add a due date to a card, this way you can see all the tasks that are due in a specific time frame and prioritize them.

Collaborate with others

Trello allows you to collaborate with others on tasks and projects. You can assign tasks to specific people and leave comments on tasks to keep everyone on the same page.

Use the "Power-Ups"

Trello has a variety of "Power-Ups" available that can be added to boards to give you access to additional features such as voting, polls, and timelines. Some of them are free, and some are paid, but they can be very useful in improving your workflow and communication with your team.


Evernote is a note-taking app that allows you to organize notes by notebook and tag. It also includes features for creating to-do lists and setting reminders. With Evernote, you can easily keep track of all your notes, ideas, and thoughts in one place.

Create notebooks for different projects or subjects

Evernote allows you to organize your notes by notebook, so you can create a separate notebook for each project or subject you're working on. This way you can easily find all the notes related to a specific project.

Use tags to organize notes

Evernote allows you to add tags to notes, which can be used to organize notes by category or priority. Use tags to group notes by topic or to quickly find notes that are related to a specific task.

Use the reminder feature

Evernote allows you to set reminders for notes, so you don't forget to review them or complete a task. You can set reminders for specific times or for when you arrive or leave a specific location.

Use the "to-do" feature

Evernote allows you to create to-do lists within notes, you can easily check off the items as you complete them and keep track of your progress.

Clip web pages

Evernote has a web clipper that allows you to save web pages, images, and videos directly to your Evernote account. You can organize them by notebook, tag them, and add notes to them.

Use the "Work Chat" feature

Evernote allows you to communicate with other users in real-time and collaborate on notes within the app. This feature can be very useful for working with a team or for discussing a project with a client.

Use the "search" feature

Evernote has a powerful search feature that allows you to find notes by keywords, titles, or tags, even if you have a lot of notes saved. You can search for notes by notebook, tags, or even by the text inside the note.


RescueTime is a time-tracking app that runs in the background on your device and provides detailed reports on how you spend your time. You can set goals for the amount of time you want to spend on specific activities, and RescueTime will provide you with notifications when you reach those goals. This app can help you understand how you spend your time and identify areas where you may be able to improve your productivity.

Track your time

RescueTime runs in the background on your device and provides detailed reports on how you spend your time, including which apps and websites you use most. Use this information to identify patterns in your work habits and pinpoint areas where you may be wasting time.

Set goals

RescueTime allows you to set goals for the amount of time you want to spend on specific activities or categories of activities. You can set daily or weekly goals and RescueTime will notify you when you reach them.

Use the "Focus Time" feature

RescueTime has a "Focus Time" feature that allows you to block distracting websites and apps for a set period of time. This feature can be very useful for staying focused on important tasks and avoiding distractions.

Use the "Alerts" feature

RescueTime allows you to set alerts for specific activities, such as spending too much time on social media. You can choose to receive alerts in real-time or at the end of the day.

Use the "Reports" feature

RescueTime provides detailed reports on your daily and weekly activity, including how much time you spend on different apps and websites. Use this information to identify patterns in your work habits and make adjustments to improve your productivity.

Compare your progress

RescueTime keeps track of your progress over time; this way, you can compare your progress from one week to another and see how you are improving or where you are still struggling.

Use the "Locations" feature:

RescueTime allows you to track your activity based on your location; you can see how you spend your time at home, at work, or on the go. This feature can be useful to see how your environment affects your productivity.

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Forest is a gamified app that helps you stay focused by growing virtual trees when you do not use your phone. You can set a timer for a specific task, and if you don't use your phone during that time, a virtual tree will grow. The app can also track your progress over time, showing you how many trees you've grown and how long you've been able to stay focused.

Set a timer for specific tasks

Forest allows you to set a timer for a specific task and grow virtual trees as you work. The app gamifies the process of staying focused, as you see your virtual tree grow as you stay away from your phone.

Track your progress over time

Forest keeps track of your progress over time, including how many trees you've grown and how long you've been able to stay focused. Use this information to set goals for yourself and track your progress.

Use the "Pomodoro" technique

Forest can be used in conjunction with the "Pomodoro" technique, which is a time management method that involves working for short, focused bursts of time, usually 25 minutes, with breaks in between.

Use the "Lock" feature

Forest has a "Lock" feature that allows you to lock your phone for a set period of time, preventing you from using it during that time. This feature can be very useful for staying focused on important tasks and avoiding distractions.

Use the "Challenge" feature

Forest has a "Challenge" feature that allows you to compete with friends and colleagues to see who can grow the most virtual trees. This can be a fun way to stay motivated and productive.

Use the "Plant a real tree" feature

Forest has a feature that allows you to plant a real tree through the app. Every time you reach a certain amount of virtual trees, you can plant a real tree; this way you can contribute to the environment while also improving your productivity.

Use the "Whitelist" feature

Forest allows you to add apps to a "whitelist" that will not be blocked during your focus time; this way you can use some apps while still focusing on your work.


Workast is a cloud-based task and project management tool designed to enhance productivity by helping individuals, teams, and organizations effectively organize their work and collaborate on tasks and projects.

Intuitive Task Management

Workast provides a user-friendly platform for organizing tasks and projects. Its intuitive interface simplifies task creation, assignment, and tracking, making it easy for you to stay on top of your to-do list. Whether you're managing a personal project or collaborating with a remote team, Workast ensures that tasks are crystal clear and everyone knows their responsibilities.

Seamless Integration

Productivity is all about syncing your tools, and Workast gets that. It seamlessly integrates with popular productivity and collaboration apps like Slack. This means that you can centralize your task management without disrupting your existing workflows. Keep your team's communication and work processes in one place, making remote collaboration smoother than ever.

Tailored to Your Workflow

Workast doesn't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. It's highly customizable, allowing you to adapt it to your unique needs and working style. Whether you're a freelancer juggling multiple clients or part of a corporate team with specific project requirements, Workast lets you mold the tool to match your workflow, ensuring maximum efficiency.

Real-Time Updates and Collaboration

In the virtual workspace, staying connected and informed is vital. Workast has got you covered with real-time updates and notifications. This feature ensures that you and your remote team are always on the same page, aware of project progress, and informed of any changes. It's a transparency boost that can save you from the common pitfalls of remote miscommunication.


ProofHub is an all-in-one project management and team collaboration solution designed to streamline your workflow and boost team productivity. It offers a centralized place for organizing projects, tasks, and subtasks. This visual approach allows you to clearly see your entire project roadmap and categorize projects for easy retrieval by your team. 

Centralized project management

You can group related projects under clear headings for easy navigation. ProofHub's tree-based structure lets you break down large projects into manageable tasks and subtasks, making it easy for your team to find.

Track projects with multiple views

ProofHub offers multiple ways to visualize and track your project progress. Use the table view to create detailed task lists for clear organization. For a more agile approach, switch to the Kanban board and visualize progress through different workflow stages. The calendar view helps with scheduling, and the Gantt chart ensures tasks are completed in the right order. ProofHub even includes a distraction-free "me" view, allowing team members to focus solely on their assigned tasks.

Easily assign multiple tasks

The task window empowers you to break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable subtasks. You can then delegate these subtasks to specific team members, fostering a collaborative workflow. You can also add custom fields within tasks and labels for further categorization. 

Use multiple collaboration features

ProofHub offers several collaboration features to aid your team's productivity. Create threaded discussions on specific topics using the discussion boards. Capture ideas quickly as they brainstorm collaboratively using the shared notes feature. Regarding creative assets, ProofHub's built-in proofing tool allows your team to review and revise them efficiently within the platform itself.

Use in-built chat for communication

ProofHub's built-in chat allows for one-on-one and group discussions with your team members. You can also share files through chat with a simple drag-and-drop, saving you time when crafting an email. 

Use time tracking to manage time

With ProofHub, you can track the time spent on tasks and projects. The automatically generated timesheets allow you to identify areas where you are overspending your time and where you might be facing delays. 

Use detailed reporting for better decision-making

View overall project health alongside team member performance. Access detailed information for each project, including the project manager, status, due date, task progress, and completion rates.


These five apps are just a few of the many productivity apps available that can help you get organized. By using one or more of these apps, you can increase your productivity and take control of your work. Give them a try and see which one works best for you. Remember that the most important thing is to find a system that works for you and stick to it, in this way you will be able to achieve your goals and be more productive.

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