The Benefits and Challenges of remote work


If you have been trying to decide whether or not it makes sense for you to work (or run your business) remotely, you are in the right place. This post will give you the most comprehensive list of the pros and cons of working remotely. Explore lifestyle business services.

But before I dive into the details, let me tell you who I am and why you should listen to me. My name is Deniero, and I have been working remotely for most of my career. I started selling online marketing over a decade ago in a corporate environment, but soon after, I decided to go on my own, and that's when I set up my first home office. Since then, my wife and I have been traveling while working, and that has allowed us to test countless work-from-home setups. So, now let's get to it. Know all about making good decisions.


No commute 

This is pretty self-explanatory, and it is the number one reason why I started working from home. I instantly re-gained 2 hours a day once I made the switch.

Longer hours

You can use your commute time to actually get work done and get ahead. Just imagine how much more you can get done with 5 to 10 hours more a week.

Totally customizable workspace

This is your space, after all. Go crazy! We have all the productivity tools you can imagine in our office space - no need to worry about people stealing or breaking your belongings.

Healthier meals 

Say bye to those overpriced or calorie-dense meals that you used to eat on your lunch break. Use your lunch breaks to make delicious meals on the fly.

Schedule flexibility 

Control your own schedule means you can decide when to work more to make up for a few hours you may want to take off. It's your life, and you should manage it however you like!

Option to wear more comfortable clothing 

Aside from important business calls, no one can see you, so go ahead and put on your favorite sweats.

More family time

If you have a family, this is going to be the best time to reconnect with them during your breaks and use your newfound commute time to go to the park, play music, or just talk with them.

Example of productive and fun home workspace

This is an example of a productive and fun home-workspace


No structure

If you thrive in an office environment, the lack of structure can take a toll on your performance very quickly. Especially if you are running your own business. That is particularly true for those that don't have a designated office room in their home. 

It gets lonely

As an introvert, I like working alone. But if you're not careful, you could spiral into a very lonely journey. Especially if you live alone and don't plan social activities outside your working hours.

No social support during the workday

If you've ever worked in a big office, you know that the social aspect is a huge motivator. You get to chime in on random conversations, listen to funny jokes, or even play a round of foosball. But working from home is not like that. That's why my team and I have a "coffee break" Zoom call every couple of days.

Not dressing up decreases confidence

It doesn't matter how confident and "relaxed" you think you are in your sweatpants. Dressing well makes a huge difference. And when you work from home, it's so hard to take the extra mile, especially if you don't need to be on a video call all day! 

Lack of separation between work and family time 

As an entrepreneur, I am always available for my staff. That's why it's crucial to have clear time slots for work and time off, and to ensure we're heading in the right direction, I'm currently conducting a 'Work-life balance survey. If you don't do that, you'll lack focus at work, and you'll also be a distracted partner or parent.

Constant use of the will to avoid slacking 

When you work in an office, you don't have to resist the urge to sit on the couch and watch Netflix. You also don't have to worry about playing video games, going for a run, or baking a cake. But when you work from home, you need to have that extra layer of willpower.

Working from your couch or bed hurts your back

You already know that sitting down all day is terrible for your health. But there's something worse than sitting at a desk, and that's slouching over all day! When you work from home, it's so tempting to bring your laptop to the "most comfortable spot" in your house. But that habit is literally breaking your back and neck.

Family and friends don't respect your work boundaries

The closest people in your life will find it hard to understand your work schedule and they will likely cross your work/life boundaries if you let them. It's not their job to keep track of your working hours and breaks. So you have to be extra mindful of how you inform those close to you about your work schedule.


If you are a professional working from home or starting your own business, make sure to subscribe to my email list since I'm always sharing fantastic tools and ideas to optimize your business and life for success and happiness.

Instead, if you already have a business and you are trying to scale up, email us at and ask us how we can help you get affordable, good-quality leads for your professional firm.

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    Deniero Bartolini

    Deniero Bartolini is a digital entrepreneur, author, and coach. He regularly runs seminars on online marketing, remote team management, and productivity for government-funded organizations and countless small to medium size businesses.


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